Saturday, December 3, 2011

32nd Missions Conference--December 1, 2011 (Last day)

I'm going to write what happened on the last day of the missions conference.

Morning Service
I could say this is the best day of the missions conference. 
We went to church at 7:30 am, and started playing the prelude. We played several Christmas songs. Then at 8:30, the program started. We had divided sessions again--the ladies' session, men's, and pastors'. In our session, we were led by Ma'am Beata Agustin. She had the topic, "Godly Living for Godly Leading". After the divided session, we had the members session, and Bro. Jonah Raña taught us the importance of  "follow up"--that is to have fruits (people you bring for Christ). This preaching became a blessing to me.
 After the members session followed the challenge concerning missions given by Pastor Ed Laurena, entitled "Who will go? Will you go? I Want to Go". This also has been a blessing to me.

Evening Service
The BHBC College Choir
 This was the best service ever in the whole missions conference. At 6:00, we started playing the prelude. Then the service started at 6:30 with congreagational singing. After that, a Missionary Cantata was given by the students of Baptist Heritage Bible College (BHBC), which became a blessing to many. After that, we had the main challenge given by Pastor Gil Laurena about knowing God, and many lives were surrendered to the Lord.
People who surrendered their lives to the Lord

I'm looking forward to the next missions conference next year.